Our Values

Earth Care

People Care

Fair Share

Why “Connected”


reConnecting LandscapesTo Ecology


It’s easy to think of a yard as a discreet place, isolated from its surroundings - My lawn, My hedges, my flowers.

The reality is that there is no invisible line that separates one yard from the next, or from the aquifers, lakes, and atmosphere that surrounds it. 

Our design philosophy takes this into account by ensuring that every garden we interact with is designed and maintained using science based, ecologically friendly, best practices that support and nourish our environment.


reConnecting Landscapes to Each Other


As our populations grow and change our global demand for nutritious, environmentally sustainable food is growing too.

 Our ultimate goal at Connected Landscapes is creating a world that’s not only more beautiful, but effortlessly productive.

As we develop our Connected Tables program, we will empower our clients to exchange their excess produce, plant material, and other natural resources for a financial return.

Imagine if your yard paid you to take care of it? We believe this is not only possible, it is central to our mission.


reConnecting Your Landscape To You


Your home is a reflection of you, your tastes and desires, memories of your family, and the hard work you do to keep it all going. 

In the same way, your yard should reflect who you are too. 

Our client centered design process, ensures that your garden not only looks the way you want it to look, but functions in a way that works for you too. 

We believe that when you’ve had the opportunity to see what’s possible in nature, no matter how large, or small your site is, that profound changes in the way we think and live become possible too.

Meet the Team

sharing tomatoes

We want to change the way you think about landscaping

Introducing Alternative Exchange

As a permaculture focused business, we believe in finding systems of equitable exchange outside the money system, which excludes many people from services they need or want. Landscape Design has historically represented a luxury - only available to wealthy communities. While we love working on high-end designs, we believe that in order to achieve food sovereignty for our community here in Orlando, we have go beyond the bottom line to make growing organic food possible for everyone!
If you have a skill, a passion, or a project that we can mutually benefit from, we accept such arrangements on discretionary basis In fact, we prefer it!